Innova琀椀on Momentum 2024: The Global Top 100 Redefining Patent Strategies: Insights From Top 100 Measuring innovation momentum prompts the question: what patent management strategies propel companies into the Top 100? Innovation Momentum builds on the difference between expected and real developments within a patent portfolio, reflecting changes in size and Technology Relevance. Considering the Portfolio Size, portfolios can be divided into mature larger portfolios, evolving midsize portfolios and dynamic small portfolios. ® Source: LexisNexis PatentSight+™ 2.50 y 2.25 Tempus Labs 2.00 tio a e R 1.75 anc v ele R 1.50 gy echnolo1.25 T CATL 1.00 STMicroelectronics 0.75 x 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 Portfolio Size Ratio Figure 2: The changes in Portfolio Size and Technology Relevance of the Top 100 companies over the past two years. Figure 2 illustrates the changes in Portfolio Size and Technology Relevance of the Top 100 companies. The x-axis represents the ratio of current Portfolio Size to that of two years ago, with a ratio of 1 indicating no change and more than 1 representing that it grew. The y-axis shows the ratio of Technology Relevance, with values above 1 indicating increased relevance. Bubble size denotes current Portfolio Size. 11