Innova琀椀on Momentum 2024: The Global Top 100 Most Top 100 companies exhibit growth in both Portfolio Size and Technology Relevance. Most large portfolios with tens of thousands of patents have ratios close to one because it would require significant changes to move entire portfolios. However, these companies are placed among the Top 100 because they beat the general trend of decreasing Technology Relevance with increasing Portfolio Size. For example, CATL, a prominent Chinese battery manufacturer with a midsize to large- size portfolio, has increased its Portfolio Size by 2.5 times to more than 6,000 patents today and simultaneously was able to elevate its Technology Relevance. This strategic increase is in line with the surge in innovation in electric vehicles (EVs) and large-scale energy storage systems. CATL’s approach illustrates how a deliberate augmentation in relevant patents can propel a company to the forefront of innovation. Tempus Labs, on the other hand, operates within the niche of AI–driven medical diagnostics, and while it has a comparatively smaller portfolio of approximately 100 active patent families, its rise in Technology Relevance of almost 2.5 times reflects its advancements in medical data processing and solidifies their presence in the 2024 Top 100. The management of mid and large portfolios includes balancing a company’s IP protection and the associated costs without deteriorating a portfolio’s strength and value. STMicroelectronics, a European integrated semiconductor device manufacturer, among a few others has adopted this different yet equally effective strategy. By maintaining a consistent Portfolio Size and strategically divesting itself of lower-value patents over the past decade, the company has significantly improved its Technology Relevance. This approach showcases the potential of a refined IP strategy to enhance business value and maintain a competitive edge. “Small (in comparison) but mighty! We focus on quality over quantity when it comes to creating and protecting innovation. We are thrilled that our efforts to create an impactful IP portfolio in our industry and adjacent industries have been validated by LexisNexis. IP creation tends to be well in advance of industry inflections, and by analyzing patents, we can identify emerging trends early despite patents generally being a lagging indicator.” Ryan Liebengood Corporate Director IP & Licensing, ASM LLeexisxisNNeexisxisIPIP.c.comom 1212