Innova琀椀on Momentum 2024: The Global Top 100 About the Patent Asset Index The Patent Asset Index represents a measure of the innovative strength of a patent portfolio. A patent family is more valuable when other innovations build on the technology protected by this patent family and by the scope of protection that the patent family holder considers appropriate. Technology Relevance er t om la ed fr eiv ec tions r lobal cita G t en t e, pa ag or ed f ts, adjust en t pa field gy echnolo es and t actic e pr ffic o mpact e I titiv ompe C t en t a alue: 1 P v e ag er v A t ength Asse ndividual str I amily t f en t a pa f o x nde I ength tal str o T o Market Coverage oli t portf en t a pa f o e activ y ed b ect t o e pr t siz e ark M t en t ts and pending pa en t pa tion en v ertain in tions on a c applica t: 1.0 en t .S. pa ed U t an gr f alue o V Ernst, H., Omland, N. (2011): The Patent Asset Index - A New Approach to Benchmark Patent Portfolios. World Patent Information 33, pp. 34–41. Ernst, H., Omland, N. (2011): The Patent Asset Index - A New Approach to Benchmark Patent Portfolios. World Patent Information 33, pp. 34–41. Technology Relevance is a measure of the importance of a patent family and the technological invention it protects. It is calculated based on the total number of worldwide citations that are received from other patent families and is adjusted for the facts that (1) older patents are cited more often, on average, than younger patents; (2) international patent offices follow different citation rules; and (3) different citation practices are prevalent in different technology fields. Market Coverage is measured as the size of the markets in which a patent family is protected, as benchmarked against the world’s largest economy—the United States. In this context, the gross national income (GNI) of a country is used as a proxy for the relative size of its national market. Market Coverage is calculated based on granted and pending patents, adjusted for the patent family’s protected market size. Competitive Impact represents the individual strength of a patent family and is obtained by multiplying the Technology Relevance and the Market Coverage of each patent family. It is stated relative to the other patent families in the same field. For example, a value of three means that the patent family is three times as important as the average patent family in the field. The value obtained by adding up all the Competitive Impact values of all patent families constituting the portfolio is defined as the Patent Asset Index, which measures the overall strength of a patent portfolio. The Patent Asset Index methodology is based on many years of scientific research and was validated in peer-reviewed academic publications and studies. Our patent analytics platform, LexisNexis® PatentSight+, featuring the Patent Asset Index, has been used for several years by leading companies in many industries, as well as governmental bodies and organizations, e.g., in antitrust consideration or merger clearances. Numerous companies trust the Patent Asset Index to illustrate the strength of their patent portfolios in annual shareholder reports and other stakeholder communications. 23